[Conferences] Request to borrow computer on last day of YAPC::EU

James E Keenan jkeen at verizon.net
Fri Aug 21 03:50:44 CEST 2015


I'll be travelling in Spain for more than a week before YAPC::EU, and 
I'd like to travel light.  That means travelling without my laptop. 
I'll probably just bring an iPad and some thumb drives.

The only problem with this is that I have a presentation to give in the 
very last time slot on Friday afternoon, Sep 04 
(http://act.yapc.eu/ye2015/talk/6303).  I'll need a machine on which (a) 
I can run a browser to show HTML slides either on a thumb drive or my 
Linode; and (b) a terminal and ability to SSH to that Linode.  That's all.

So, if there's anyone who can lend me a Mac or Unix machine at the tail 
end of the conference, I will be very grateful.  Please contact me off list.

Thank you very much
Jim Keenan
CPAN ID: jkeenan
irc.perl.org: kid51

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