[Conferences] SIM cards in Spain

Victor Manuel Rivas Santos vrivas at ujaen.es
Thu Aug 27 13:10:54 CEST 2015

2015-08-22 22:03 GMT+02:00 Salve J Nilsen <sjn at pvv.org>:

> Alex Muntada said:
>> JJ Merelo:
>> There are phone shops in every block. One of them is helpfully called
>>> "The Phone Shop". You can probably co there and get the best deal in
>>> prepaid cards.
>> Looking at www.phonehouse.es, www.movistar.es and others it seems like
>> the SIM prepaid cards have almost disappeared or don't have any offer that
>> meets the conference attendee needs. I really hope that that shops have
>> more options than those available online.
>> If anyone else has more information about this, please share it.
> I bought a "Holidays" prepaid card from Orange today. 1.5Gb interet, 60
> minutes for international calls, 15€. There was also a cheaper offer from
> another company, 10€, 800Mb and a little less talk time.
 Exactly: I've seen ads about the "Holidays" prepaid card in Barcelona just
2 or 3 days ago.
More info: http://movil.orange.es/tarifas/llamar-a-otro-pais/sim-holidays/

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