[Conferences] Booking.com hosting a free networking event (with tech talks, drinks, and snacks)

Sawyer X xsawyerx at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 12:58:27 CEST 2017

Booking.com is hosting a free networking evening for all attendees of the
Perl Conference at the HQ in Amsterdam. This is an opportunity to meet some
of the talented technology professionals and discover how Booking.com
became one of the Netherlands' most successful startups.

The networking event will consist of short talks hosted by the Tech team,
followed by drinks and nibbles. A great way to kickstart the conference!

When: Tuesday 8th of August - 16.30 - 18.30
Where: Spaces, Prinsen Keiser Office, 6F, Vijzelstraat 66-80, Amsterdam,

Please follow this link to register:


Sawyer X.
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